Nature Happenings - March

  • Project FeederWatch continues,

  • Hummingbirds start arriving this month. Put out a feeder but only fill 1/2 way until you see your hummingbirds arriving. Nectar recipe is 4 parts water to 1 part table sugar. No red dye or other kinds of sugar or sugar substitutes.

  • Watch for birds gathering nesting materials and looking for suitable nesting sites. Use cotton, dried plant material, or a nesting ball. No yarn or dryer lint.

  • Orioles and tanagers may migrate in later this month. Put out ½ an orange, juicy side up where they can see it as they fly over.

  • Watch for Grosbeaks migrating through and eating black oil sunflower seeds at tray feeders and hopper feeders. They will also eat suet doughs.

  • Provide mealworms for Curve-billed Thrashers, Cactus Wrens, Mockingbirds, and others.

  • Watch for Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Flickers at Bark Butter and suet feeders. 

  • Lesser Goldfinches are gathering nesting materials.
  • Goldfinches are molting into their bright plumage.