Wild Birds Unlimited Nuts & Berries Suet

Satisfy Different Birds' Tastes

With our Nuts & Berries Suet, it's easy to provide your birds an extra energy boost. Loaded with peanuts, almonds, pecans and cranberries, Nuts & Berries is designed to attract suet- and fruit-eating birds like woodpeckers, wrens, nuthatches, finches, thrashers, Pyrrhuloxias and more. All of our suets are rendered and refined to remove impurities that cause spoilage.  

Offering suet at a backyard feeding station is a great way to attract a wide variety of insect-eating birds. Birds that eat suet will still find natural food sources such as insects, insect eggs and grubs to get a well-rounded diet.

Since suet can be messy to put into the cages, try freezing the suet before putting it in the feeder. This will make the cake contract, allowing it to fit in the cage more easily and reduce waste.